It’s a sunny day! Why not blog, eh?

It may be Scotland, but we have been blessed with brightness to warm the Spirit!

First of all, welcome to my first blog on my website. I hope we can engage extensively as time goes on.

The purpose of being here and so visual is to support and encourage as many of you as possible in a society that doesn’t always make that feel so easy to do.

My services offer a limited version of what I offer using my abilities. Still, combined with my qualifications within psychology and counselling, as well as my vast experience in working with people of all backgrounds and stages of development, I am so excited with the potential of being able to help you achieve the self-awareness and clarity that will empower you on your path too. 

My life experience has been of great value, and I can reflect on it when assisting others toward change or providing the guidance necessary to facilitate change for anyone I have the honour of guiding on their path.  There have been many challenging situations within my life from childhood till this point, but I have been blessed with sourcing some of the best people who encouraged me to process this in the most effective way that has allowed me to also play a role in your journey.

I know we don’t have to use labels, but I am also neurodivergent with a diagnosis of ADHD and Autism, which enables me to provide alternative perspectives within readings, development, healing modalities and insights into your life. In fact, I will be part of something extraordinary soon. I have been invited to speak about NeuroD Medium ME! I have always been an advocate for the rights of others to promote mental health and well-being, but I do hope this talk can inspire so many people to take the steps they need to take to bring a transformative change and a sense of purpose.

When you choose me as your medium, intuitive reader, mentor, or guide, I take your safety and confidentiality like mine. We will go on a journey together and explore the aspects of your life that are presenting as blockers but also add pizazz to the points of success. All I ask is that you bring an open heart, an open mind, and a willingness to seriously commit to working on yourself.

I hope you have found this piece informative. However, you can always schedule a call so that we can begin right from the start.

With love,

Kirsty McB